Wednesday, October 22, 2008

AAU 24 hour comic book challenge!

Ahh, this was a lot of fun. Here's some pics stripped from the photo site that Dan Cooney has posted on the web. if you're looking for something fun to click on. I've got a couple of photo's and in them there are a few pages that I did that you can see. I'll be posting the comic up in it's entirety on a wonderful web based comic book site. Probably Drunk Duck or something like it. In the mean time, enjoy some photo's of me hard at work on my 24 hour comic. And yes, it did get done.. with a half hour to spare, no less.


Megan Wolfe said...

Man, I'm sorry I missed it. :) I had to work at Federal, boooo..

It looks like it was so much fun tho. Were you there when Albert brought his class in? :D

Ed Davenport said...

I don't think so. I had to work too, so I ended up getting there at about 7pm. Honestly, it was a 16 and a half hour comic or something like that. But I got all 24 pages done and they kick ass. I blame it all on fast turn around catalog storyboarding deadlines. =D

Would have been awesome to see al's class. le sigh.

Sarah Weaver said...

looks like fun dude

JenKellerArt said...

Looks good man! I want to see it all! Be sure to let us know when you post it... (PS...I think if you click onto my little icon, you can go to my blog... I have 3 of them, the one with "art" in the title is my work.. but feel free to read them all!)

JenKellerArt said...

Oh yeah, this is Jen...

Jonathan Colton said...

When are you going to post the 24 pages? Or 22 pages, or whatever?

Ed Davenport said...

Whenever I can. Still waiting for them back.