Which was kind of hard. There was a couple of points where I wasn't too sure what I was going to do next. I knew I liked the color scheme, and I wanted to keep the expressions as unchanged as I could. But then I was also aware that something wasn't working with Yuri (the blue haired one.) So, I threw up a couple of layers and went back to work. I softened some edges, refined a bit of the background, and fiddled around a lot with the shine on the boots. So, is this the final version? For now. And this is a good thing, I couldn't bring myself to move on to another project until I was done with this.
The thing that makes me laugh here, is that I published the previous version to my Deviant Art account and got a very warm reception. The... politics of posting a more improved version right after a popular posting has me mystified. I'm not too sure what comes next. I tell you, that's half the reason I keep this blog going. I can be very frank about what I post, where I think there's a bit of ... decorum (?) to deviant art posting. Of course, this could be me making up rules that don't exist.
Also, I know that Piya can't access my Deviant art page from his work. So, maybe part of it's making life easy on him. /shrug.